Complaints Procedure - Chris Hanford
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Complaints Procedure

Facial Aesthetics
Private Treatment

If you have a complaint or concern about the service you have received from the dentists or any of the staff working in this practice, please let us know. We operate a practice complaints procedure and it adheres to the national criteria.


Wessington Dental takes complaints very seriously and tries to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience received. When patients complain, they are dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible.


The person responsible for dealing with any complaint about the service which we provide will be Mrs Toni Moon.

Complaining on Behalf of Someone Else

Please note that we keep strictly to the rules of confidentiality. If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, we have to know that you have the permission to do so. A note signed by the person concerned will be needed, unless that are incapable of providing this because of physical or mental illness or are a child under 16 years.


If you feel like you cannot raise your complaint with us or you are dissatisfied with the result of our investigation and wish to seek further advice please contact:

Dental Complaints Service

Dental Complaints Service
Stephenson House
2 Cherry Orchard Road
Croydon CR0 6BA

020 8253 0800
(Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm)

The General Dental Council

37 Wimpole Street

Telephone: 020 7167 6000


If you are registered as a NHS patient please contact NHS Choices on or contact NHS England through:

Address: NHS England
PO BOX 16738
B97 9PT

Telephone: 0300 311 2233


On the 10th November 2016 Wessington Dental had received an inspection from CQC (Care Quality Commission), the independent regulator of health and social care in England. To take a look at our outstanding report please click the CQC logo below.