Facial Aesthetics - Chris Hanford
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Facial Aesthetics

At Wessington Dental, we offer a range of professional facial aesthetics treatments including Botox and fillers. Patients from across the North East trust our team of experts, and if you’re based in South Tyneside, South Shields, Whitburn and Cleadon, then we’re conveniently located for you.

Facial Aesthetics

Are you considering anti wrinkle injections (Botox) or dermal fillers for the first time? Here are some frequently asked questions and answers.

How does the treatment work?

Botulinum toxin injections work by blocking signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle can no longer contract, which causes the wrinkles to relax and soften. It is most often used on forehead lines, crow’s feet (lines around the eye) and frown lines.

How many treatments will I need?

In most cases patients can see a real difference after one treatment, this is because Botox works gradually, smoothing and softening lines and wrinkles for up to four months. Every face is unique and we will advise you how many treatments you will need and how often depending on the results you would like to achieve.

Will it hurt?

Any injection can be uncomfortable. The injections used for botulinum toxin (Botox) are very small so discomfort is minimal.

Will I get any swelling?

Treatment using botulinum toxin usually causes minimal swelling, it is common to see some redness following treatment which normally subsides within minutes. If treating around the eye area it is possible for some minor bruising to appear which again will disappear very quickly.

Can I resume normal activities following treatment?

Following treatment it is advisable not to rub the area and to remain upright and avoid activities that cause sweating to the face for at least 3 hours; this is to avoid any possible movement or migration from the botulinum toxin to other areas of the face or body.

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are non-surgical cosmetic treatments used to bring a more youthful appearance by restoring volume or fullness to the face and lips. They work by reducing or eliminating lines, wrinkles and folds in the skin and the effect is seen immediately after treatment. As skin ages, both naturally and because of other factors such as sun damage, smoking and poor diet, we lose collagen, fat and other natural moisturising substances from our skin. These can be thought of as the natural ‘scaffolding’ that keeps it looking young and feeling firm. With less of these, our skin becomes thinner and we start to see lines, wrinkles and folds developing. This is usually more noticeable on our faces. Put simply, dermal fillers are used to restore that lost volume in the face by plumping out lines, wrinkles and folds.

What to do next?

If you feel your lines and wrinkles are undermining your confidence, come and talk to us. Your initial consultation is free of charge and may provide the solution you’ve been searching for. Contact Us today to book your appointment.